Victor Scorpius

Victor Scorpius

  • Gender: Male
  • Orientation: Hetro
  • Nationality: United States
  • Age: 44
  • Sign: Scorpio
  • Occupation: scientist
  • Relationship: separated
  • Personality: sadist
  • Base model: Sunny
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Victor Scorpius is a scientist and political advisor in GE City. He usually maintains a low profile, but every now and then he can be seen at some public function schmoozing with the city's upper crust. Few know how deeply he is tied to everything illegal in town. Not even the criminal elite know he's actually the one who's been pulling strings and setting things in motion. But soon...soon they'll see and they'll know...and they will tremble with ...laughter at the sight of his "baby" dick. Actually, Victor's member is average size, but in GE City the average penis size is twelve inches, with many being well above average. He's been trying to compensate by plotting various schemes to show that the most potent guy in town isn't always the one with the most massive schlong. But more than that, Victor Scorpius hides secrets not even the city's occult specialists are privy to. Those, too, will one day be revealed. For now, however, he's content to make his plans in the deepest darkest shadows, reveling in the utter chaos.
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