

  • Gender: Male
  • Orientation: Hetro
  • Nationality: France
  • Age: 52
  • Sign: Cancer
  • Occupation: farmer
  • Relationship: attached
  • Personality: sadist
  • Base model: Justin
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This is Gérard the rich farmer who built his wealth with sugar plantations and slave labour in Saint-Domingue. A proud man of "standards" and a conservative christian who despised the "revolutionary mob" who he thinks destroyed France... He also despised black people and his own son Bertrand who turned out to be the opposite of himself. He moved to Saint-Domingue from France with his first wife in 1770 but she died only months later of tropical disease, the same year Bertrand was born. Gérard remarried the same year a much younger woman who cheats on him regularly. Gérard is known to be a bitter man and he molests, use and mistreat the housemaid constantly. In 1791 Gérards worst nightmare turned real, the revolution came to Saint-Domingue with a bloody slave rebellion that took his life...
Iblisazazel Level 86 Offline
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