Allegra Dearing
- Gender: Frau
- Orientation: Bisexuell
- Nationality: U.S.A.
- Age: 42
- Sign: Schütze
- Occupation: Achitektin
- Relationship: verwitwet
- Personality: Gebertyp
- Base model: Jaqueline
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Allegra Dearing is the neighbor of René Enrique Mendez in Shadows of truth Faces of Death.She wants to seduce her neighbor and is constantly horny. Allegra Dearing in my new story Shadows of truth "Faces of Death" Coming soon in Setember 2013.?
Item statistics
- Type: model
- Set: Female Models
- Visibility: Public
- Downloads: 183
- Created: 1 decade ago
- Modified: 5 years ago
- Compatible games: 3DSexVilla2
- tags: milf, model, neighbor, arrula, shadows of truth, faces of death, allegra dearing
- ID: 643440
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