Amelia Jackson Gray 2

A Jackson-Gray

  • Gender: Female
  • Orientation: Hetro
  • Nationality: United States
  • Age: 25
  • Sign: Libra
  • Occupation: actor
  • Relationship: single
  • Personality: independent
  • Base model: Oxana
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First noticed her in the movie Campaign, playing Becky, a girl with the exposed nipple. In Dec 2012 I created a model of her, this IMO is the upgraded version.
lagit38 Level 113 Offline
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Item statistics

  • Type: model
  • Set: Public
  • Visibility: Public
  • Downloads: 38
  • Created: 1 decade ago
  • Modified: 5 years ago
  • Compatible games: 3DSexVilla2
  • tags: lagit38, lookalike, gray
  • ID: 692096
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