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World famous renowned yet never seen Super Spy Akira Geki. There are thousands upon thousands of potential wars and destruction that boil under the world's surface months, and months in advance, those tasked to prevent these wars from happening so that you can live a normal life are often the ones never seen. Sometimes the most thank-less job in the world, is being the one tasked with saving it before anyone even knew it was in danger. For Akira Geki, this was in her job description and she was one of the very best at it, if not the best. Not a code she cannot crack, not a security system she cannot hack, and not a secret that could be kept when she sought it. There are three codes that have been encrypted over time that can break into any maximum security database and only 4 dynamic encrypted algorithms within that only 4 people in the world could write as complex. Akira invented them. ===This is explained in greater detail below as there isn't enough room up here!! READ BELOW!!=== Just a character from a short little 3 to 4 page detour Im taking from The Date to introduce you to her. Yes there is a very important reason why. But right now I shall keep it under wraps! I really hope you enjoy her and her counterpart whom shall be revealed when I post up the first page today.


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