Kat s Back

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Kat s Back

When I got to the studio today my new assistant Nikki told me that there was a pretty and petite brunette waiting for me in Studio A. Now I wasn't expecting anyone today, but when I opened the door and saw who was in there waiting for me I was extremely happy to see one Miss Kat Martinez. We haven't seen Kat since late last year and let me tell you why. When Kat's mom came to visit it wasn't a long visit, you see she explained to me why Kat was losing so much weight last year around the holidays. She told me that Kat had a twin sister Melissa who died in a car accident, and the reason it affects Kat so much is that it happened about a week after Thanksgiving and also the fact that Kat was driving. She said that the girls' car was hit by a drunk driver and that Melissa was killed instantly and that Kat had serious injuries from it and that she was in a coma for about three months. She also told me that Kat has always blamed herself for it and that she always goes in a deep depression around the holidays and that this year was the worst since it would be the tenth anniversary of the accident. So Kat's mom took her back to California to help her get some treatment and well we weren't quite sure if she would be coming back....Well Becca will be happy her assistant is back, granted I'm happy to see that little cutie also


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  • Type: screenshot
  • Set: Kat Reboot
  • Visibility: Public
  • Created: 3 years ago
  • Modified: 3 years ago
  • tags: kat, meatloaf5k, reboot
  • ID: 8219142
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