Whooty Wednesday Shake it Becca

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Whooty Wednesday Shake it Becca

So I got a call from my nephew to come down to the club and check out this sexy redheaded kitty that was on stage. I of course knew he was talking about Becca, so I told him to just shoot some video of her dancing for #WhootyWednesday Well after he shot it and sent it to me he called me back and said "Damn Uncle, Aunt Becky has a great ass. What made her decide to come and dance at the club" I told him that she just did a photo shoot with his ex-mother-in-law and that she was feeling a little down about herself and that maybe a nice young man hitting on her might cheer her up, if he knows what I mean...To which he said "Oh I'm sure that I do Uncle"
Meatloaf5k Level 242 Offline |
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