Queen Asylla of Tristram (Diablo 3)

Queen Asylla

  • Gender: Female
  • Orientation: Bi Sexual
  • Nationality: Ireland
  • Age: 27
  • Sign: Aquarius
  • Occupation: politician
  • Relationship: separated
  • Personality: giver
  • Base model: Maria
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(Use Base Model Maria) Queen Asylla of Tristram. My version of the wife of King Leoric "The mad King" and then "Skeleton King" from the Diablo games, and mother of two sons, Aidan and Albrecht. All of which fall victim to the treachery of Lazarus, the Kings advisor, who was in league with Diablo. One of the Three Prime Evils of Hell. Model uses "Atomic Tits" so you will need that thrixxx pack, and a dup. file added to the mod or active mod folder so they show up properly with the Cronan fantasy top, and her spellweaver bra clothing parts on her body. I don't know how you can add those dup. files to a model upload. Only to clothing mods, but the clothing is not my own work. If you have a clothing mod that contains a complete dup. file in it to not block atomic tits, bra, and other items, just copy that dup file, and place it in the 2 clothing mods I mentioned above that are in my references for this model. You will need to rename the dup file to match the name of the appropriate tops, bras, skirts, you use, when adding a dup file to any clothing sets. If you need help just ask me in a private message. I can copy one of my dup. files and/or post a pic showing the text that I use in my own.
Briar27 Level 192 Offline |
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