Ona Piper Peretti 5 15

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Ona Piper Peretti 5 15

Hey Fleur here, so Pipe.....Um sorry....Ona came back by today, you know I don't think I will ever get used to calling her that since when I called her Piper when she came by she told me :Fleur I haven't gone by that name in a very long time"......Any way Ona came back by today to do some shots. So I guess I should fill you in on what she's been doing for the last twenty years. Well unknown to any of us she was actually working on her psychology degree and has been working as a substance abuse counselor back home in her native Brooklyn.....But now that she's back here in G.E City she says that she enjoyed doing the scene with Danny and would like to maybe do some more, but she did have one request. You see being part Jewish Ona has never had a guy who's been uncircumcised.....Oh ya and she says "Hey look getting pregnant did do one thing for me, I finally have tits"


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